
Class device

boost::compute::device — A compute device.


// In header: <boost/compute/device.hpp>

class device {

  enum type { cpu = = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, gpu = = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 
              accelerator = = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR };
  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit device(cl_device_id, bool = true);
  device(const device &);
  device(device &&) noexcept;
  device & operator=(const device &);
  device & operator=(device &&) noexcept;

  // public member functions
  cl_device_id id() const;
  cl_device_id & get() const;
  cl_device_type type() const;
  platform platform() const;
  std::string name() const;
  std::string vendor() const;
  std::string profile() const;
  std::string version() const;
  std::string driver_version() const;
  std::vector< std::string > extensions() const;
  bool supports_extension(const std::string &) const;
  uint_ address_bits() const;
  ulong_ global_memory_size() const;
  ulong_ local_memory_size() const;
  uint_ clock_frequency() const;
  uint_ compute_units() const;
  template<typename T> uint_ preferred_vector_width() const;
  size_t profiling_timer_resolution() const;
  bool is_subdevice() const;
  template<typename T> T get_info(cl_device_info) const;
  template<int Enum> unspecified get_info() const;
  std::vector< device > partition(const cl_device_partition_property *) const;
  std::vector< device > partition_equally(size_t) const;
  std::vector< device > 
  partition_by_counts(const std::vector< size_t > &) const;
  std::vector< device > 
  partition_by_affinity_domain(cl_device_affinity_domain) const;
  bool operator==(const device &) const;
  bool operator!=(const device &) const;


Typical compute devices include GPUs and multi-core CPUs. A list of all compute devices available on a platform can be obtained via the platform::devices() method.

The default compute device for the system can be obtained with the system::default_device() method. For example:

boost::compute::device gpu = boost::compute::system::default_device();

See Also:

platform, context, command_queue

device public construct/copy/destruct

  1. device();
    Creates a null device object.
  2. explicit device(cl_device_id id, bool retain = true);

    Creates a new device object for id. If retain is true, the reference count for the device will be incremented.

  3. device(const device & other);
    Creates a new device object as a copy of other.
  4. device(device && other) noexcept;
    Move-constructs a new device object from other.
  5. device & operator=(const device & other);
    Copies the device from other to *this.
  6. device & operator=(device && other) noexcept;
    Move-assigns the device from other to *this.
  7. ~device();
    Destroys the device object.

device public member functions

  1. cl_device_id id() const;
    Returns the ID of the device.
  2. cl_device_id & get() const;
    Returns a reference to the underlying OpenCL device id.
  3. cl_device_type type() const;
    Returns the type of the device.
  4. platform platform() const;
    Returns the platform for the device.
  5. std::string name() const;
    Returns the name of the device.
  6. std::string vendor() const;
    Returns the name of the vendor for the device.
  7. std::string profile() const;
    Returns the device profile string.
  8. std::string version() const;
    Returns the device version string.
  9. std::string driver_version() const;
    Returns the driver version string.
  10. std::vector< std::string > extensions() const;
    Returns a list of extensions supported by the device.
  11. bool supports_extension(const std::string & name) const;

    Returns true if the device supports the extension with name.

  12. uint_ address_bits() const;
    Returns the number of address bits.
  13. ulong_ global_memory_size() const;
    Returns the global memory size in bytes.
  14. ulong_ local_memory_size() const;
    Returns the local memory size in bytes.
  15. uint_ clock_frequency() const;
    Returns the clock frequency for the device's compute units.
  16. uint_ compute_units() const;
    Returns the number of compute units in the device.
  17. template<typename T> uint_ preferred_vector_width() const;
    Returns the preferred vector width for type T.
  18. size_t profiling_timer_resolution() const;
    Returns the profiling timer resolution in nanoseconds.
  19. bool is_subdevice() const;
    Returns true if the device is a sub-device.
  20. template<typename T> T get_info(cl_device_info info) const;

    Returns information about the device.

    For example, to get the number of compute units:


    Alternatively, the template-specialized version can be used which automatically determines the result type:


    See the documentation for clGetDeviceInfo() for more information.

  21. template<int Enum> unspecified get_info() const;

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

  22. std::vector< device > 
    partition(const cl_device_partition_property * properties) const;

    Partitions the device into multiple sub-devices according to properties.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  23. std::vector< device > partition_equally(size_t count) const;
    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  24. std::vector< device > 
    partition_by_counts(const std::vector< size_t > & counts) const;
    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  25. std::vector< device > 
    partition_by_affinity_domain(cl_device_affinity_domain domain) const;
    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  26. bool operator==(const device & other) const;
    Returns true if the device is the same at other.
  27. bool operator!=(const device & other) const;
    Returns true if the device is different from other.
