
Class opengl_texture



// In header: <boost/compute/interop/opengl/opengl_texture.hpp>

class opengl_texture : public boost::compute::memory_object {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit opengl_texture(cl_mem, bool = true);
  opengl_texture(const context &, GLenum, GLint, GLuint, 
                 cl_mem_flags = read_write);
  opengl_texture(const opengl_texture &);
  opengl_texture & operator=(const opengl_texture &);

  // public member functions
  template<typename T> T get_texture_info(cl_gl_texture_info) const;


A OpenCL image2d for accessing an OpenGL texture object.

opengl_texture public construct/copy/destruct

  1. opengl_texture();
    Creates a null OpenGL texture object.
  2. explicit opengl_texture(cl_mem mem, bool retain = true);
    Creates a new OpenGL texture object for mem.
  3. opengl_texture(const context & context, GLenum texture_target, GLint miplevel, 
                   GLuint texture, cl_mem_flags flags = read_write);

    Creates a new OpenGL texture object in context for texture with flags.

    See the documentation for clCreateFromGLTexture() for more information.

  4. opengl_texture(const opengl_texture & other);
    Creates a new OpenGL texture object as a copy of other.
  5. opengl_texture & operator=(const opengl_texture & other);
    Copies the OpenGL texture object from other.
  6. ~opengl_texture();
    Destroys the texture object.

opengl_texture public member functions

  1. template<typename T> T get_texture_info(cl_gl_texture_info info) const;

    Returns information about the texture.

    See the documentation for clGetGLTextureInfo() for more information.
