Basic Concepts | Various basic concepts |
▼Point | N-dimensional point |
Concepts | Concepts for points |
Models | Models for points |
Algorithms and Utility Functions | Algorithms and Utility Functions for points |
▼Color, Color Space, and Layout | The color space and the layout define the set, ordering and interpretation of channels in a pixel |
Concepts | |
►Models | |
Color Names | |
Color Spaces | |
Layouts | |
▼Channel | Channel is the building block of pixel |
Concepts | Concepts for channels |
►Models | Channel models. Although not required by the ChannelConcept, all GIL-provided channels support arithmetic operations |
►scoped_channel_value | |
►packed_channel_value | |
packed_channel_reference | |
packed_dynamic_channel_reference | Represents a reference proxy to a channel operating over a bit range whose offset is specified at run time. Models ChannelConcept |
►Algorithms and Utility Functions | Channel algorithms, metafunctions and utility functions |
►channel_convert | Converting from one channel type to another |
channel_converter_unsigned | Convert one unsigned/floating point channel to another. Converts both the channel type and range |
channel_multiply | Multiplying unsigned channel values of the same type. Performs scaled multiplication result = a * b / max_value |
channel_invert | Returns the inverse of a channel. result = max_value - x + min_value |
▼ColorBase | A color base is a container of color elements |
Concepts | ColorBase concepts |
►Models | ColorBase models |
►bit_aligned_pixel_reference | A heterogeneous color base representing pixel that may not be byte aligned, i.e. it may correspond to a bit range that does not start/end at a byte boundary. Models ColorBaseConcept |
bit_aligned_pixel_reference | A heterogeneous pixel reference used to represent non-byte-aligned pixels. Models PixelConcept |
detail::homogeneous_color_base | A homogeneous color base holding one color element. Models HomogeneousColorBaseConcept or HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept If the element type models Regular, this class models HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept |
packed_pixel | A heterogeneous color base whose elements are reference proxies to channels in a pixel. Models ColorBaseValueConcept. This class is used to model packed pixels, such as 16-bit packed RGB |
pixel | A homogeneous color base whose element is a channel value. Models HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept |
planar_pixel_iterator | A homogeneous color base whose element is a channel iterator. Models HomogeneousColorBaseValueConcept This class is used as an iterator to a planar pixel |
planar_pixel_reference | A homogeneous color base whose element is a channel reference. Models HomogeneousColorBaseConcept, HomogeneousPixelConcept. This class is used as a reference proxy to a planar pixel |
►Algorithms and Utility Functions | ColorBase algorithms, metafunctions and utility functions |
size | Size: Semantic channel size |
kth_semantic_element_type, kth_semantic_element_reference_type, kth_semantic_element_const_reference_type, semantic_at_c | Semantic_at_c: Semantic channel accessors |
color_element_type, color_element_reference_type, color_element_const_reference_type, get_color, contains_color | Get_color: Named channel accessors |
element_type, element_reference_type, element_const_reference_type | Types for homogeneous color bases |
static_min, static_max | Equivalents to std::min_element and std::max_element for homogeneous color bases |
static_equal | Equivalent to std::equal. Pairs the elements semantically |
static_copy | Equivalent to std::copy. Pairs the elements semantically |
static_fill | Equivalent to std::fill |
static_generate | Equivalent to std::generate |
static_transform | Equivalent to std::transform. Pairs the elements semantically |
static_for_each | Equivalent to std::for_each. Pairs the elements semantically |
▼PixelBased | Concepts for all GIL constructs that are pixel-based (pixels, pixel iterators, locators, views, images) |
Concepts | PixelBased concepts |
►Models | PixelBased models |
bit_aligned_pixel_reference | A heterogeneous pixel reference used to represent non-byte-aligned pixels. Models PixelConcept |
Algorithms and Utility Functions | PixelBased algorithms, metafunctions and utility functions |
▼Pixel | A pixel is a set of channels defining the color at a given point in an image |
Concepts | Pixel concepts |
►Models | Pixel models |
bit_aligned_pixel_reference | A heterogeneous pixel reference used to represent non-byte-aligned pixels. Models PixelConcept |
packed_pixel | A heterogeneous pixel used to represent packed pixels with non-byte-aligned channels. Models PixelValueConcept |
pixel | A homogeneous pixel value. Models HomogeneousPixelValueConcept |
planar_pixel_reference | A reference proxy to a planar pixel. Models HomogeneousColorBaseConcept, HomogeneousPixelConcept |
Algorithms and Utility Functions | Pixel algorithms, metafunctions and utility functions |
▼Pixel Dereference Adaptor | A function object invoked upon accessing of the pixel of a pixel iterator/locator/view |
Concepts | |
Models | |
▼Pixel Iterator | STL Iterators over models of PixelConcept |
►Concepts | Pixel iterator concepts |
PixelIteratorConcept | STL iterator over pixels |
StepIteratorConcept | Iterator that advances by a specified step |
IteratorAdaptorConcept | Adaptor over another iterator |
►Models | Pixel iterator models |
bit_aligned_pixel_iterator | An iterator over non-byte-aligned pixels. Models PixelIteratorConcept, PixelBasedConcept, MemoryBasedIteratorConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept |
iterator_from_2d | Pixel step iterator, pixel image iterator and pixel dereference iterator |
Pointer to packed_pixel<P,CR,Layout> | Support for interleaved iterators over packed pixel |
C pointer to a pixel | Iterators over interleaved pixels. A C pointer to a model of PixelValueConcept is used as an iterator over interleaved pixels. Models PixelIteratorConcept, HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept, MemoryBasedIteratorConcept |
dereference_iterator_adaptor | An iterator that invokes a provided function object upon dereference. Models: IteratorAdaptorConcept, PixelIteratorConcept |
planar_pixel_iterator | An iterator over planar pixels. Models PixelIteratorConcept, HomogeneousPixelBasedConcept, MemoryBasedIteratorConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept |
position_iterator | An iterator that remembers its current X,Y position and invokes a function object with it upon dereferencing. Models PixelIteratorConcept, PixelBasedConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept. Used to create virtual image views |
step iterators | Iterators that allow for specifying the step between two adjacent values |
▼Pixel Locator | Generalization of an iterator to multiple dimensions |
►Concepts | Pixel locator concepts |
RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept | N-dimensional locator |
RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept | 2-dimensional locator |
PixelLocatorConcept | 2-dimensional locator over pixel data |
Models | Pixel locator models |
▼Image View | N-dimensional range |
►Concepts | Image view concepts |
ImageViewNDLocatorConcept | N-dimensional range |
ImageView2DLocatorConcept | 2-dimensional range |
ImageViewConcept | 2-dimensional range over pixel data |
Models | Image view models |
►Algorithms and Utility Functions | Image view algorithms, metafunctions and utility functions |
►STL-like Algorithms | Image view-equivalents of STL algorithms |
copy_pixels | Std::copy for image views |
copy_and_convert_pixels | Copies src view into dst view, color converting if necessary |
fill_pixels | Std::fill for image views |
destruct_pixels | Invokes the destructor on every pixel of an image view |
uninitialized_fill_pixels | Std::uninitialized_fill for image views |
default_construct_pixels | Invokes the default constructor on every pixel of an image view |
uninitialized_copy_pixels | Std::uninitialized_copy for image views |
for_each_pixel | Std::for_each for image views |
for_each_pixel_position | Adobe::for_each_position for image views (passes locators, instead of pixel references, to the function object) |
generate_pixels | Std::generate for image views |
equal_pixels | Std::equal for image views |
transform_pixels | Std::transform for image views |
transform_pixel_positions | Adobe::transform_positions for image views (passes locators, instead of pixel references, to the function object) |
Performance overloads of STL algorithms | Overloads of STL algorithms allowing more efficient implementation when used with GIL constructs |
Image View From Raw Data | Methods for constructing image views from raw data and for getting raw data from views |
►Image View Transformations | Methods for constructing one image view from another |
color_converted_view | Color converted view of another view |
flipped_up_down_view | View of a view flipped up-to-down |
flipped_left_right_view | View of a view flipped left-to-right |
transposed_view | View of a view transposed |
rotated90cw_view | View of a view rotated 90 degrees clockwise |
rotated90ccw_view | View of a view rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise |
rotated180_view | View of a view rotated 180 degrees |
subimage_view | View of an axis-aligned rectangular area within an image_view |
subsampled_view | View of a subsampled version of an image_view, stepping over a number of channels in X and number of rows in Y |
nth_channel_view | Single-channel (grayscale) view of the N-th channel of a given image_view |
kth_channel_view | Single-channel (grayscale) view of the K-th channel of a given image_view. The channel index is a template parameter |
▼Image | N-dimensional container |
Concepts | Image concepts |
Models | Image models |
Image Processing | Image Processing algorithms |
Variant | A holder of a runtime instantiated type. Used to provide runtime-specified images and views |
▼Metafunctions | Metafunctions to construct or query GIL types |
►Type Factory Metafunctions | Metafunctions that construct GIL types from related types or from components |
►xxx_type | Returns the type of a homogeneous GIL construct given its elements (channel, layout, whether it is planar, step, mutable, etc.) |
packed_image_type,bit_aligned_image_type | Returns the type of an image whose channels are not byte-aligned |
xxx_type_from_pixel | Returns the type of a GIL construct given its pixel type, whether it is planar, step, mutable, etc |
derived_xxx_type | Returns the type of a homogeneous GIL construct given a related construct by changing some of its properties |
►Type Analysis Metafunctions | Metafunctions that determine properties of GIL types |
xxx_is_basic | Determines if GIL constructs are basic. Basic constructs are the ones that can be generated with the type factory methods pixel_reference_type, iterator_type, locator_type, view_type and image_type They can be mutable/immutable, planar/interleaved, step/nonstep. They must use GIL-provided models |
xxx_is_step | Determines if the given iterator/locator/view has a step that could be set dynamically |
xxx_is_mutable | Determines if the given pixel reference/iterator/locator/view is mutable (i.e. its pixels can be changed) |
▼I/O | Support for reading and writing images to file |
JPEG I/O | Support for reading and writing JPEG image files |
TIFF I/O | Support for reading and writing TIFF image files |
PNG I/O | Support for reading and writing PNG image files |
Color Space Conversion | Support for conversion between pixels of different color spaces and channel depths |
Histogram | Histogram |
Histogram-Helpers | Helper implementations supporting the histogram class |
AHE | Adaptive Histogram Equalization(AHE) |
AHE-helpers | AHE helper functions |
CornerDetectionAlgorithms | Algorithms that are used to find corners in an image |
HE | Histogram Equalization(HE) |
HM | Histogram Matching(HM) |
ImageProcessingMath | Math operations for IP algorithms |
▼ScalingAlgorithms | Algorithms suitable for rescaling |
DownScalingAlgorithms | Algorithms suitable for downscaling |