Boost GIL

Algorithms and Utility Functions

Algorithms and Utility Functions for points. More...


template<typename T >
auto iround (point< T > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto iround (point< float > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto iround (point< double > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto ifloor (point< float > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto ifloor (point< double > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto iceil (point< float > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >
auto iceil (point< double > const &p) -> point< std::ptrdiff_t >

Detailed Description

Algorithms and Utility Functions for points.


assert(iround(point<double>(3.1, 3.9)) == point<std::ptrdiff_t>(3,4));