of backend requirements
To add support for a new IO backend the following is required:
- a format tag, to identify the image format, derived from boost::gil::format_tag
- boolean meta function is_supported<PixelType,FormatTag> must be implemented for the new format tag
- explicit specialisation of image_read_info<FormatTag> must be provided, containing runtime information available before/at reading the image
- explicit specialisation of image_write_info<FormatTag> must be provided, containing runtime encoding parameters for writing an image
- An image reader must be specialized:
template<typename IODevice, typename ConversionPolicy>
struct boost::gil::reader<IODevice,FormatTag,ConversionPolicy>
reader( IODevice & device )
reader( IODevice & device, typename ConversionPolicy::color_converter_type const& cc )
image_read_info<FormatTag> get_info();
template<typename Image>
void read_image( Image &, point_t
const& top_left );
template<typename View>
void read_view( View &, point_t
const& top_left );
void read_view(Reader reader, View const &view, typename std::enable_if< mp11::mp_and< detail::is_reader< Reader >, typename is_format_tag< typename Reader::format_tag_t >::type, typename is_read_supported< typename get_pixel_type< View >::type, typename Reader::format_tag_t >::type >::value >::type *=nullptr)
Reads an image view without conversion. No memory is allocated.
Definition: read_view.hpp:31
void read_image(Reader reader, Image &img, typename std::enable_if< mp11::mp_and< detail::is_reader< Reader >, is_format_tag< typename Reader::format_tag_t >, is_read_supported< typename get_pixel_type< typename Image::view_t >::type, typename Reader::format_tag_t > >::value >::type *=nullptr)
Reads an image without conversion. Image memory is allocated.
Definition: read_image.hpp:32
- An image writer must be specialized:
\template <typename IODevice>
struct boost::gil::writer<IODevice,FormatTag>
writer( IODevice & device )
template<typename View>
void apply( View const&, point_t const& top_left );
template<typename View>
void apply( View const&, point_t const& top_left, image_write_info<FormatTag> const& );
Or instead of the items above implement overloads of read_view, read_and_convert_view, read_image, read_and_convert_image, write_view and read_image_info.
Interface of the ConversionPolicy
There are two different conversion policies in use, when reading images: read_and_convert<ColorConverter> and read_and_no_convert. ColorConverter can be a user defined color converter.
struct ConversionPolicy
template<typename InputIterator,typename OutputIterator>
void read( InputIterator in_begin, InputIterator in_end,
OutputIterator out_end );
Methods like read_view and read_image are supposed to bail out with an exception instead of converting the image
Concept of IO Device
A Device is simply an object used to read and write data to and from a stream. The IODevice was added as a template paramter to be able to replace the file_name access functionality. This is only an interim solution, as soon as boost provides a good IO library, interfaces/constraints provided by that library could be used.
concept IODevice
void IODevice::read( unsigned char* data, int count );
void IODevice::write( unsigned char* data, int count );
void IODevice::seek(long count, int whence);
void IODevice::flush();
For the time being a boolean meta function must be specialized:
namespace boost{
namespace gil{
namespace detail{
template<typename Device>
struct detail::is_input_device;
Definition: algorithm.hpp:36