Boost GIL

1 //
2 // Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
3 //
4 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
5 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 //
7 //
11 #include <boost/gil/step_iterator.hpp>
12 #include <boost/gil/point.hpp>
14 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
16 #include <cstddef>
18 namespace boost { namespace gil {
22 //forward declarations
23 template <typename P> std::ptrdiff_t memunit_step(const P*);
24 template <typename P> P* memunit_advanced(const P* p, std::ptrdiff_t diff);
25 template <typename P> P& memunit_advanced_ref(P* p, std::ptrdiff_t diff);
26 template <typename Iterator, typename D> struct iterator_add_deref;
27 template <typename T> class point;
28 namespace detail {
29  // helper class specialized for each axis of pixel_2d_locator
30  template <std::size_t D, typename Loc> class locator_axis;
31 }
33 template <typename T> struct channel_type;
34 template <typename T> struct color_space_type;
35 template <typename T> struct channel_mapping_type;
36 template <typename T> struct is_planar;
37 template <typename T> struct num_channels;
42 template <typename LocatorOrView>
44 {
45  using type = LocatorOrView;
46 };
107 template <typename Loc, typename XIterator, typename YIterator> // The concrete subclass, the X-iterator and the Y-iterator
109 {
110 public:
111  using x_iterator = XIterator;
112  using y_iterator = YIterator;
114  // aliasesrequired by ConstRandomAccessNDLocatorConcept
115  static const std::size_t num_dimensions=2;
116  using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<x_iterator>::value_type;
117  using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<x_iterator>::reference; // result of dereferencing
118  using coord_t = typename std::iterator_traits<x_iterator>::difference_type; // 1D difference type (same for all dimensions)
119  using difference_type = point<coord_t>; // result of operator-(locator,locator)
120  using point_t = difference_type;
121  template <std::size_t D> struct axis
122  {
123  using coord_t = typename detail::locator_axis<D,Loc>::coord_t;
124  using iterator = typename detail::locator_axis<D,Loc>::iterator;
125  };
127 // aliases required by ConstRandomAccess2DLocatorConcept
128  using x_coord_t = typename point_t::template axis<0>::coord_t;
129  using y_coord_t = typename point_t::template axis<1>::coord_t;
131  bool operator!=(const Loc& p) const { return !(concrete()==p); }
133  x_iterator x_at(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=point_t(dx,dy); return tmp.x(); }
134  x_iterator x_at(const difference_type& d) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=d; return tmp.x(); }
135  y_iterator y_at(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=point_t(dx,dy); return tmp.y(); }
136  y_iterator y_at(const difference_type& d) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=d; return tmp.y(); }
137  Loc xy_at(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=point_t(dx,dy); return tmp; }
138  Loc xy_at(const difference_type& d) const { Loc tmp=concrete(); tmp+=d; return tmp; }
140  template <std::size_t D> typename axis<D>::iterator& axis_iterator() { return detail::locator_axis<D,Loc>()(concrete()); }
141  template <std::size_t D> typename axis<D>::iterator const& axis_iterator() const { return detail::locator_axis<D,Loc>()(concrete()); }
142  template <std::size_t D> typename axis<D>::iterator axis_iterator(point_t const& p) const { return detail::locator_axis<D,Loc>()(concrete(),p); }
144  reference operator()(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { return *x_at(dx,dy); }
145  reference operator[](const difference_type& d) const { return *x_at(d.x,d.y); }
147  reference operator*() const { return *concrete().x(); }
149  Loc& operator+=(const difference_type& d) { concrete().x()+=d.x; concrete().y()+=d.y; return concrete(); }
150  Loc& operator-=(const difference_type& d) { concrete().x()-=d.x; concrete().y()-=d.y; return concrete(); }
152  Loc operator+(const difference_type& d) const { return xy_at(d); }
153  Loc operator-(const difference_type& d) const { return xy_at(-d); }
155  // Some locators can cache 2D coordinates for faster subsequent access. By default there is no caching
157  cached_location_t cache_location(const difference_type& d) const { return d; }
158  cached_location_t cache_location(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy)const { return difference_type(dx,dy); }
160 private:
161  Loc& concrete() { return (Loc&)*this; }
162  const Loc& concrete() const { return (const Loc&)*this; }
164  template <typename X> friend class pixel_2d_locator;
165 };
167 // helper classes for each axis of pixel_2d_locator_base
168 namespace detail {
169  template <typename Loc>
170  class locator_axis<0,Loc> {
171  using point_t = typename Loc::point_t;
172  public:
173  using coord_t = typename point_t::template axis<0>::coord_t;
174  using iterator = typename Loc::x_iterator;
176  inline iterator& operator()( Loc& loc) const { return loc.x(); }
177  inline iterator const& operator()(const Loc& loc) const { return loc.x(); }
178  inline iterator operator()( Loc& loc, point_t const& d) const { return loc.x_at(d); }
179  inline iterator operator()(const Loc& loc, point_t const& d) const { return loc.x_at(d); }
180  };
182  template <typename Loc>
183  class locator_axis<1,Loc> {
184  using point_t = typename Loc::point_t;
185  public:
186  using coord_t = typename point_t::template axis<1>::coord_t;
187  using iterator = typename Loc::y_iterator;
189  inline iterator& operator()( Loc& loc) const { return loc.y(); }
190  inline iterator const& operator()(const Loc& loc) const { return loc.y(); }
191  inline iterator operator()( Loc& loc, point_t const& d) const { return loc.y_at(d); }
192  inline iterator operator()(const Loc& loc, point_t const& d) const { return loc.y_at(d); }
193  };
194 }
196 template <typename Loc, typename XIt, typename YIt>
197 struct channel_type<pixel_2d_locator_base<Loc,XIt,YIt> > : public channel_type<XIt> {};
199 template <typename Loc, typename XIt, typename YIt>
200 struct color_space_type<pixel_2d_locator_base<Loc,XIt,YIt> > : public color_space_type<XIt> {};
202 template <typename Loc, typename XIt, typename YIt>
203 struct channel_mapping_type<pixel_2d_locator_base<Loc,XIt,YIt> > : public channel_mapping_type<XIt> {};
205 template <typename Loc, typename XIt, typename YIt>
206 struct is_planar<pixel_2d_locator_base<Loc,XIt,YIt> > : public is_planar<XIt> {};
229 template <typename StepIterator>
230 class memory_based_2d_locator : public pixel_2d_locator_base<memory_based_2d_locator<StepIterator>, typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<StepIterator>::type, StepIterator> {
232  BOOST_GIL_CLASS_REQUIRE(StepIterator, boost::gil, StepIteratorConcept)
233 public:
235  using const_t = memory_based_2d_locator<typename const_iterator_type<StepIterator>::type>; // same as this type, but over const values
237  using coord_t = typename parent_t::coord_t;
238  using x_coord_t = typename parent_t::x_coord_t;
239  using y_coord_t = typename parent_t::y_coord_t;
240  using x_iterator = typename parent_t::x_iterator;
241  using y_iterator = typename parent_t::y_iterator;
242  using difference_type = typename parent_t::difference_type;
243  using reference = typename parent_t::reference;
245  template <typename Deref> struct add_deref
246  {
248  static type make(const memory_based_2d_locator<StepIterator>& loc, const Deref& nderef) {
249  return type(iterator_add_deref<StepIterator,Deref>::make(loc.y(),nderef));
250  }
251  };
254  memory_based_2d_locator(const StepIterator& yit) : _p(yit) {}
255  template <typename SI> memory_based_2d_locator(const memory_based_2d_locator<SI>& loc, coord_t y_step) : _p(loc.x(), loc.row_size()*y_step) {}
256  template <typename SI> memory_based_2d_locator(const memory_based_2d_locator<SI>& loc, coord_t x_step, coord_t y_step, bool transpose=false)
257  : _p(make_step_iterator(loc.x(),(transpose ? loc.row_size() : loc.pixel_size())*x_step),
258  (transpose ? loc.pixel_size() : loc.row_size())*y_step ) {}
260  memory_based_2d_locator(x_iterator xit, std::ptrdiff_t row_bytes) : _p(xit,row_bytes) {}
261  template <typename X> memory_based_2d_locator(const memory_based_2d_locator<X>& pl) : _p(pl._p) {}
262  memory_based_2d_locator(const memory_based_2d_locator& pl) : _p(pl._p) {}
263  memory_based_2d_locator& operator=(memory_based_2d_locator const& other) = default;
265  bool operator==(const this_t& p) const { return _p==p._p; }
267  x_iterator const& x() const { return _p.base(); }
268  y_iterator const& y() const { return _p; }
269  x_iterator& x() { return _p.base(); }
270  y_iterator& y() { return _p; }
272  // These are faster versions of functions already provided in the superclass
273  x_iterator x_at (x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { return memunit_advanced(x(), offset(dx,dy)); }
274  x_iterator x_at (const difference_type& d) const { return memunit_advanced(x(), offset(d.x,d.y)); }
275  this_t xy_at (x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { return this_t(x_at( dx , dy ), row_size()); }
276  this_t xy_at (const difference_type& d) const { return this_t(x_at( d.x, d.y), row_size()); }
277  reference operator()(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy) const { return memunit_advanced_ref(x(),offset(dx,dy)); }
278  reference operator[](const difference_type& d) const { return memunit_advanced_ref(x(),offset(d.x,d.y)); }
279  this_t& operator+=(const difference_type& d) { memunit_advance(x(),offset(d.x,d.y)); return *this; }
280  this_t& operator-=(const difference_type& d) { memunit_advance(x(),offset(-d.x,-d.y)); return *this; }
282  // Memory-based locators can have 1D caching of 2D relative coordinates
283  using cached_location_t = std::ptrdiff_t; // type used to store relative location (to allow for more efficient repeated access)
284  cached_location_t cache_location(const difference_type& d) const { return offset(d.x,d.y); }
285  cached_location_t cache_location(x_coord_t dx, y_coord_t dy)const { return offset(dx,dy); }
286  reference operator[](const cached_location_t& loc) const { return memunit_advanced_ref(x(),loc); }
288  // Only make sense for memory-based locators
289  std::ptrdiff_t row_size() const { return memunit_step(y()); } // distance in mem units (bytes or bits) between adjacent rows
290  std::ptrdiff_t pixel_size() const { return memunit_step(x()); } // distance in mem units (bytes or bits) between adjacent pixels on the same row
292  bool is_1d_traversable(x_coord_t width) const { return row_size()-pixel_size()*width==0; } // is there no gap at the end of each row?
294  // Returns the vertical distance (it2.y-it1.y) between two x_iterators given the difference of their x positions
295  std::ptrdiff_t y_distance_to(this_t const& p2, x_coord_t xDiff) const
296  {
297  std::ptrdiff_t rowDiff = memunit_distance(x(), p2.x()) - pixel_size() * xDiff;
298  BOOST_ASSERT((rowDiff % row_size()) == 0);
299  return rowDiff / row_size();
300  }
302 private:
303  template <typename X> friend class memory_based_2d_locator;
304  std::ptrdiff_t offset(x_coord_t x, y_coord_t y) const { return y*row_size() + x*pixel_size(); }
305  StepIterator _p;
306 };
309 // PixelBasedConcept
312 template <typename SI>
313 struct color_space_type<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > : public color_space_type<typename memory_based_2d_locator<SI>::parent_t> {
314 };
316 template <typename SI>
317 struct channel_mapping_type<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > : public channel_mapping_type<typename memory_based_2d_locator<SI>::parent_t> {
318 };
320 template <typename SI>
321 struct is_planar<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > : public is_planar<typename memory_based_2d_locator<SI>::parent_t> {
322 };
324 template <typename SI>
325 struct channel_type<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > : public channel_type<typename memory_based_2d_locator<SI>::parent_t> {
326 };
329 // HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept
332 // Take the base iterator of SI (which is typically a step iterator) and change it to have a step in x
333 template <typename SI>
334 struct dynamic_x_step_type<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > {
335 private:
336  using base_iterator_t = typename iterator_adaptor_get_base<SI>::type;
337  using base_iterator_step_t = typename dynamic_x_step_type<base_iterator_t>::type;
338  using dynamic_step_base_t = typename iterator_adaptor_rebind<SI, base_iterator_step_t>::type;
339 public:
340  using type = memory_based_2d_locator<dynamic_step_base_t>;
341 };
344 // HasDynamicYStepTypeConcept
347 template <typename SI>
348 struct dynamic_y_step_type<memory_based_2d_locator<SI> > {
349  using type = memory_based_2d_locator<SI>;
350 };
351 } } // namespace boost::gil
353 #endif
Memory-based pixel locator. Models: PixelLocatorConcept,HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept,...
Definition: locator.hpp:230
base class for models of PixelLocatorConcept
Definition: locator.hpp:109
2D point both axes of which have the same dimension typeModels: Point2DConcept
Definition: point.hpp:36
Definition: algorithm.hpp:36
Step iterator concept.
Definition: concepts/pixel_iterator.hpp:258
returns the base iterator for a given iterator adaptor. Provide an specialization when introducing ne...
Definition: metafunctions.hpp:36
Returns the type (and creates an instance) of an iterator that invokes the given dereference adaptor ...
Definition: pixel_iterator_adaptor.hpp:176
Definition: locator.hpp:44