Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
adaptive_histogram_equalization.hpp | |
algorithm.hpp | |
extension/dynamic_image/algorithm.hpp | Some basic STL-style algorithms when applied to runtime type specified image views |
any_image.hpp | |
any_image_view.hpp | |
apply_operation.hpp | |
base.hpp | |
basic.hpp | |
bit_aligned_pixel_iterator.hpp | |
bit_aligned_pixel_reference.hpp | |
bit_operations.hpp | |
bmp.hpp | |
channel.hpp | |
concepts/channel.hpp | |
channel_algorithm.hpp | |
channel_numeric_operations.hpp | |
cmyk.hpp | |
color.hpp | |
color_base.hpp | |
concepts/color_base.hpp | |
color_base_algorithm.hpp | |
color_convert.hpp | |
concept_check.hpp | |
concepts.hpp | |
conversion_policies.hpp | |
convolve.hpp | |
device.hpp | |
device_n.hpp | |
dynamic_at_c.hpp | |
dynamic_image_all.hpp | |
dynamic_step.hpp | |
concepts/dynamic_step.hpp | |
error.hpp | |
filter.hpp | |
fwd.hpp | |
get_read_device.hpp | |
get_reader.hpp | |
get_write_device.hpp | |
get_writer.hpp | |
gray.hpp | |
harris.hpp | |
hessian.hpp | |
histogram.hpp | |
histogram_equalization.hpp | |
histogram_matching.hpp | |
image.hpp | |
concepts/image.hpp | |
image_view.hpp | |
concepts/image_view.hpp | |
image_view_factory.hpp | |
extension/dynamic_image/image_view_factory.hpp | |
io.hpp | |
iterator_from_2d.hpp | |
jpeg.hpp | |
kernel.hpp | |
locator.hpp | |
make_backend.hpp | |
make_dynamic_image_reader.hpp | |
make_dynamic_image_writer.hpp | |
make_reader.hpp | |
make_scanline_reader.hpp | |
make_writer.hpp | |
metafunctions.hpp | |
morphology.hpp | |
numeric.hpp | |
packed_pixel.hpp | |
path_spec.hpp | |
pixel.hpp | |
concepts/pixel.hpp | |
pixel_based.hpp | |
pixel_dereference.hpp | |
pixel_iterator.hpp | |
concepts/pixel_iterator.hpp | |
pixel_iterator_adaptor.hpp | |
pixel_locator.hpp | |
pixel_numeric_operations.hpp | |
planar_pixel_iterator.hpp | |
planar_pixel_reference.hpp | |
png.hpp | |
pnm.hpp | |
point.hpp | |
concepts/point.hpp | |
position_iterator.hpp | |
premultiply.hpp | |
promote_integral.hpp | |
raw.hpp | |
read_and_convert_image.hpp | |
read_and_convert_view.hpp | |
read_image.hpp | |
read_image_info.hpp | |
read_view.hpp | |
reader_base.hpp | |
rgb.hpp | |
rgba.hpp | |
row_buffer_helper.hpp | |
scaling.hpp | |
scanline_read_iterator.hpp | |
step_iterator.hpp | |
targa.hpp | |
threshold.hpp | |
tiff.hpp | |
typedefs.hpp | |
io/typedefs.hpp | |
utilities.hpp | |
virtual_locator.hpp | |
write_view.hpp | |