Boost GIL

1 //
2 // Copyright 2021 Prathamesh Tagore <>
3 //
4 // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
5 // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 //
7 //
12 #include <boost/gil/image_processing/kernel.hpp>
13 #include <boost/gil/gray.hpp>
14 #include <boost/gil/image_processing/threshold.hpp>
16 namespace boost { namespace gil { namespace detail {
18 enum class morphological_operation
19 {
20  dilation,
21  erosion,
22 };
39 template <typename SrcView, typename DstView, typename Kernel>
40 void morph_impl(SrcView const& src_view, DstView const& dst_view, Kernel const& kernel,
41  morphological_operation identifier)
42 {
43  std::ptrdiff_t flip_ker_row, flip_ker_col, row_boundary, col_boundary;
45  for (std::ptrdiff_t view_row = 0; view_row < src_view.height(); ++view_row)
46  {
47  for (std::ptrdiff_t view_col = 0; view_col < src_view.width(); ++view_col)
48  {
49  target_element = src_view(view_col, view_row);
50  for (std::size_t kernel_row = 0; kernel_row < kernel.size(); ++kernel_row)
51  {
52  flip_ker_row = kernel.size() - 1 - kernel_row; // row index of flipped kernel
54  for (std::size_t kernel_col = 0; kernel_col < kernel.size(); ++kernel_col)
55  {
56  flip_ker_col = kernel.size() - 1 - kernel_col; // column index of flipped kernel
58  // We ensure that we consider only those pixels which are overlapped
59  // on a non-zero kernel_element as
60  if (, flip_ker_col) == 0)
61  {
62  continue;
63  }
64  // index of input signal, used for checking boundary
65  row_boundary = view_row + (kernel.center_y() - flip_ker_row);
66  col_boundary = view_col + (kernel.center_x() - flip_ker_col);
68  // ignore input samples which are out of bound
69  if (row_boundary >= 0 && row_boundary < src_view.height() &&
70  col_boundary >= 0 && col_boundary < src_view.width())
71  {
73  if (identifier == morphological_operation::dilation)
74  {
75  target_element =
76  (std::max)(src_view(col_boundary, row_boundary)[0], target_element);
77  }
78  else if (identifier == morphological_operation::erosion)
79  {
80  target_element =
81  (std::min)(src_view(col_boundary, row_boundary)[0], target_element);
82  }
83  }
84  }
85  }
86  dst_view(view_col, view_row) = target_element;
87  }
88  }
89 }
102 template <typename SrcView, typename DstView, typename Kernel>
103 void morph(SrcView const& src_view, DstView const& dst_view, Kernel const& ker_mat,
104  morphological_operation identifier)
105 {
106  BOOST_ASSERT(ker_mat.size() != 0 && src_view.dimensions() == dst_view.dimensions());
107  gil_function_requires<ImageViewConcept<SrcView>>();
108  gil_function_requires<MutableImageViewConcept<DstView>>();
110  gil_function_requires<ColorSpacesCompatibleConcept<typename color_space_type<SrcView>::type,
111  typename color_space_type<DstView>::type>>();
113  gil::image<typename DstView::value_type> intermediate_img(src_view.dimensions());
115  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < src_view.num_channels(); i++)
116  {
117  morph_impl(nth_channel_view(src_view, i), nth_channel_view(view(intermediate_img), i),
118  ker_mat, identifier);
119  }
120  copy_pixels(view(intermediate_img), dst_view);
121 }
131 template <typename SrcView, typename DiffView>
132 void difference_impl(SrcView const& src_view1, SrcView const& src_view2, DiffView const& diff_view)
133 {
134  for (std::ptrdiff_t view_row = 0; view_row < src_view1.height(); ++view_row)
135  for (std::ptrdiff_t view_col = 0; view_col < src_view1.width(); ++view_col)
136  diff_view(view_col, view_row) =
137  src_view1(view_col, view_row) - src_view2(view_col, view_row);
138 }
147 template <typename SrcView, typename DiffView>
148 void difference(SrcView const& src_view1, SrcView const& src_view2, DiffView const& diff_view)
149 {
150  gil_function_requires<ImageViewConcept<SrcView>>();
151  gil_function_requires<MutableImageViewConcept<DiffView>>();
153  gil_function_requires<ColorSpacesCompatibleConcept<
154  typename color_space_type<SrcView>::type, typename color_space_type<DiffView>::type>>();
156  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < src_view1.num_channels(); i++)
157  {
158  difference_impl(nth_channel_view(src_view1, i), nth_channel_view(src_view2, i),
159  nth_channel_view(diff_view, i));
160  }
161 }
162 } // namespace detail
176 template <typename SrcView, typename IntOpView, typename Kernel>
177 void dilate(SrcView const& src_view, IntOpView const& int_op_view, Kernel const& ker_mat,
178  int iterations)
179 {
180  copy_pixels(src_view, int_op_view);
181  for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
182  morph(int_op_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, detail::morphological_operation::dilation);
183 }
197 template <typename SrcView, typename IntOpView, typename Kernel>
198 void erode(SrcView const& src_view, IntOpView const& int_op_view, Kernel const& ker_mat,
199  int iterations)
200 {
201  copy_pixels(src_view, int_op_view);
202  for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
203  morph(int_op_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, detail::morphological_operation::erosion);
204 }
215 template <typename SrcView, typename IntOpView, typename Kernel>
216 void opening(SrcView const& src_view, IntOpView const& int_op_view, Kernel const& ker_mat)
217 {
218  erode(src_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, 1);
219  dilate(int_op_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, 1);
220 }
232 template <typename SrcView, typename IntOpView, typename Kernel>
233 void closing(SrcView const& src_view, IntOpView const& int_op_view, Kernel const& ker_mat)
234 {
235  dilate(src_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, 1);
236  erode(int_op_view, int_op_view, ker_mat, 1);
237 }
250 template <typename SrcView, typename DstView, typename Kernel>
251 void morphological_gradient(SrcView const& src_view, DstView const& dst_view, Kernel const& ker_mat)
252 {
253  using namespace boost::gil;
254  gil::image<typename DstView::value_type> int_dilate(src_view.dimensions()),
255  int_erode(src_view.dimensions());
256  dilate(src_view, view(int_dilate), ker_mat, 1);
257  erode(src_view, view(int_erode), ker_mat, 1);
258  difference(view(int_dilate), view(int_erode), dst_view);
259 }
270 template <typename SrcView, typename DstView, typename Kernel>
271 void top_hat(SrcView const& src_view, DstView const& dst_view, Kernel const& ker_mat)
272 {
273  using namespace boost::gil;
274  gil::image<typename DstView::value_type> int_opening(src_view.dimensions());
275  opening(src_view, view(int_opening), ker_mat);
276  difference(src_view, view(int_opening), dst_view);
277 }
288 template <typename SrcView, typename DstView, typename Kernel>
289 void black_hat(SrcView const& src_view, DstView const& dst_view, Kernel const& ker_mat)
290 {
291  using namespace boost::gil;
292  gil::image<typename DstView::value_type> int_closing(src_view.dimensions());
293  closing(src_view, view(int_closing), ker_mat);
294  difference(view(int_closing), src_view, dst_view);
295 }
297 }} // namespace boost::gil
container interface over image view. Models ImageConcept, PixelBasedConcept
Definition: image.hpp:43
auto view(image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc > &img) -> typename image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >::view_t const &
Returns the non-constant-pixel view of an image.
Definition: image.hpp:565
void difference(SrcView const &src_view1, SrcView const &src_view2, DiffView const &diff_view)
Passes parameter values to the function 'difference_impl' alongwith individual channel views of input...
Definition: morphology.hpp:148
void difference_impl(SrcView const &src_view1, SrcView const &src_view2, DiffView const &diff_view)
Calculates the difference between pixel values of first image_view and second image_view.
Definition: morphology.hpp:132
void morph(SrcView const &src_view, DstView const &dst_view, Kernel const &ker_mat, morphological_operation identifier)
Checks feasibility of the desired operation and passes parameter values to the function morph_impl al...
Definition: morphology.hpp:103
void morph_impl(SrcView const &src_view, DstView const &dst_view, Kernel const &kernel, morphological_operation identifier)
Implements morphological operations at pixel level.This function compares neighbouring pixel values a...
Definition: morphology.hpp:40
BOOST_FORCEINLINE void copy_pixels(const View1 &src, const View2 &dst)
std::copy for image views
Definition: algorithm.hpp:292
Definition: algorithm.hpp:36
Two color spaces are compatible if they are the same.
Definition: color.hpp:61
Definition: color_convert.hpp:31