Boost C++ Libraries



[def macro_identifier some text]

When a macro is defined, the identifier replaces the text anywhere in the file, in paragraphs, in markups, etc. macro_identifier is a string of non- white space characters except ']'. A macro may not follow an alphabetic character or the underscore. The replacement text can be any phrase (even marked up). Example:

[def sf_logo [$]]

Now everywhere the sf_logo is placed, the picture will be inlined.

[Tip] Tip

It's a good idea to use macro identifiers that are distinguishable. For instance, in this document, macro identifiers have two leading and trailing underscores (e.g. __spirit__). The reason is to avoid unwanted macro replacement.

Links (URLS) and images are good candidates for macros. 1) They tend to change a lot. It is a good idea to place all links and images in one place near the top to make it easy to make changes. 2) The syntax is not pretty. It's easier to read and write, e.g. __spirit__ than [@ Spirit].

Some more examples:

[def :-)            [$theme/smiley.png]]
[def __spirit__     [@ Spirit]]

(See Images and Links)

Invoking these macros:

Hi __spirit__  :-)

will generate this:

Hi Spirit
