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RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept< Loc > Struct Template Reference

2-dimensional locator over immutable values More...

#include <pixel_locator.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void constraints ()

Public Attributes

Loc loc

Detailed Description

template<typename Loc>
struct boost::gil::RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept< Loc >

2-dimensional locator over immutable values

concept RandomAccess2DLocatorConcept<RandomAccessNDLocatorConcept Loc>
where num_dimensions==2;
where Point2DConcept<point_t>;
typename x_iterator = axis<0>::iterator;
typename y_iterator = axis<1>::iterator;
typename x_coord_t = axis<0>::coord_t;
typename y_coord_t = axis<1>::coord_t;
// Only available to locators that have dynamic step in Y
//Loc::Loc(const Loc& loc, y_coord_t);
// Only available to locators that have dynamic step in X and Y
//Loc::Loc(const Loc& loc, x_coord_t, y_coord_t, bool transposed=false);
x_iterator& Loc::x();
x_iterator const& Loc::x() const;
y_iterator& Loc::y();
y_iterator const& Loc::y() const;
x_iterator Loc::x_at(const difference_type&) const;
y_iterator Loc::y_at(const difference_type&) const;
Loc Loc::xy_at(const difference_type&) const;
// x/y versions of all methods that can take difference type
x_iterator Loc::x_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
y_iterator Loc::y_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
Loc Loc::xy_at(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
reference operator()(const Loc&, x_coord_t, y_coord_t);
cached_location_t Loc::cache_location(x_coord_t, y_coord_t) const;
bool Loc::is_1d_traversable(x_coord_t width) const;
y_coord_t Loc::y_distance_to(const Loc& loc2, x_coord_t x_diff) const;

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