
Evaluating Expressions

Boost.YAP expressions are evaluated explicitly, by calling the evaluate() function or calling transform() using a transform object returned from evaluation(). The former is a convenince function that does the latter.

evaluate() simply removes all the Boost.YAP machinery from an expression and evaluates it exactly as it would have been if Boost.YAP were not used. This means that functions are called, operators evaluated, etc. all as normal. To illustrate this, take a look at the implementation of operator,() used in evaluate():

template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(expr_tag<expr_kind::comma>, T && t, U && u) const
    return transform(
               as_expr<minimal_expr>(static_cast<T &&>(t)), *this),
               as_expr<minimal_expr>(static_cast<U &&>(u)), *this);

What this transformation does is transform the left and right expressions, and then use the built-in operator,() on the result. The evaluation transformations for the other operators do the same thing — evaluate the operands, then return the result of applying the built-in operator to the operands.

Function calls are done in a similar way, except that the callable is also a subexpression that needs to be evaluated before being called:

template<typename Callable, typename... Args>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(
    expr_tag<expr_kind::call>, Callable && callable, Args &&... args) const
    return transform(as_expr<minimal_expr>(static_cast<Callable &&>(callable)), *this)(
        transform(as_expr<minimal_expr>(static_cast<Args &&>(args)), *this)...
