

Boost.YAP has a convenient print() function, that prints an expression tree to a stream. It is not intended for production work (for instance, it has no formatting options), but it is excellent for debugging and instrumentation.

Since it is only a debugging aid, print() is found in a separate header not included when you include Boost.YAP with

#include <boost/yap/yap.hpp>

You must include <boost/yap/print.hpp> explicitly.

print() handles several patterns of expression specially, to allow a concise representation of a given expression tree. For example, given this definition:

struct thing {};

and this expression:

using namespace boost::yap::literals;

auto const const_lvalue_terminal_containing_rvalue = boost::yap::make_terminal("lvalue terminal");

double const d = 1.0;
auto rvalue_terminal_containing_lvalue = boost::yap::make_terminal(d);

auto thing_terminal = boost::yap::make_terminal(thing{});

auto expr =
    4_p +
    std::move(rvalue_terminal_containing_lvalue) * thing_terminal -

print() produces this output:

            term<double &>[=1]
            term<thing>[=<<unprintable-value>>] &
    term<char const*>[=lvalue terminal] const &

As you can see, print() shows one node per line, and represents the tree structure with indentation. It abbreviates non-terminal nodes in the tree expr<op>, where op is an operator symbol. Terminal nodes are abbreviated term<T>, where T is the type of value contained in the terminal; this may be a reference type or a value.

A term node may not be a terminal node at all, but an expr_kind::expr_ref expression containing a terminal. Such a expr_kind::expr_ref node has a & or const & suffix, to indicate that it is a mutable or const reference, respectively.

Each term node has a bracketed value near the end. The format is [=X] where X is the value the terminal contains. If the terminal contains a value for which no operator<<(std::ostream &, ...) overload exists (such as the thing type above), X will be <<unprintable-value>>.
