
Class command_queue

boost::compute::command_queue — A command queue.


// In header: <boost/compute/command_queue.hpp>

class command_queue {

  enum properties { enable_profiling = = CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, 
                    enable_out_of_order_execution = = CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE };

  enum map_flags { map_read = = CL_MAP_READ, map_write = = CL_MAP_WRITE };
  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit command_queue(cl_command_queue, bool = true);
  command_queue(const context &, const device &, 
                cl_command_queue_properties = 0);
  command_queue(const command_queue &);
  command_queue(command_queue &&) noexcept;
  command_queue & operator=(const command_queue &);
  command_queue & operator=(command_queue &&) noexcept;

  // public member functions
  cl_command_queue & get() const;
  device get_device() const;
  context get_context() const;
  template<typename T> T get_info(cl_command_queue_info) const;
  template<int Enum> unspecified get_info() const;
  cl_command_queue_properties get_properties() const;
  void enqueue_read_buffer(const buffer &, size_t, size_t, void *, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_read_buffer_async(const buffer &, size_t, size_t, void *, 
                                  const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_read_buffer_rect(const buffer &, const size_t, const size_t, 
                                const size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, 
                                void *, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_write_buffer(const buffer &, size_t, size_t, const void *, 
                            const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_write_buffer_async(const buffer &, size_t, size_t, 
                                   const void *, 
                                   const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_write_buffer_rect(const buffer &, const size_t, const size_t, 
                                 const size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t, 
                                 size_t, void *, 
                                 const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_buffer(const buffer &, const buffer &, size_t, size_t, 
                            size_t, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_buffer_rect(const buffer &, const buffer &, const size_t, 
                                 const size_t, const size_t, size_t, size_t, 
                                 size_t, size_t, 
                                 const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_fill_buffer(const buffer &, const void *, size_t, size_t, 
                            size_t, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void * enqueue_map_buffer(const buffer &, cl_map_flags, size_t, size_t, 
                            const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_unmap_buffer(const buffer &, void *, 
                             const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_unmap_mem_object(cl_mem, void *, 
                                 const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_read_image(const image2d &, const size_t, const size_t, size_t, 
                          void *, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_read_image(const image3d &, const size_t, const size_t, size_t, 
                          size_t, void *, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_write_image(const image2d &, const size_t, const size_t, 
                           size_t, const void *, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_write_image(const image3d &, const size_t, const size_t, 
                           size_t, size_t, const void *, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image(const image2d &, const image2d &, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const size_t, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image(const image2d &, const image3d &, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const size_t, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image(const image3d &, const image2d &, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const size_t, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image(const image3d &, const image3d &, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const size_t, 
                           const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image_to_buffer(const image2d &, const buffer &, 
                                     const size_t, const size_t, size_t, 
                                     const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_image_to_buffer(const image3d &, const buffer &, 
                                     const size_t, const size_t, size_t, 
                                     const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_buffer_to_image(const buffer &, const image2d &, size_t, 
                                     const size_t, const size_t, 
                                     const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_copy_buffer_to_image(const buffer &, const image3d &, size_t, 
                                     const size_t, const size_t, 
                                     const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_fill_image(const image2d &, const void *, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_fill_image(const image3d &, const void *, const size_t, 
                           const size_t, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_migrate_memory_objects(uint_, const cl_mem *, 
                                       const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_nd_range_kernel(const kernel &, size_t, const size_t *, 
                                const size_t *, const size_t *, 
                                const wait_list & = wait_list());
  template<size_t N> 
    event enqueue_nd_range_kernel(const kernel &, const extents< N > &, 
                                  const extents< N > &, const extents< N > &, 
                                  const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_1d_range_kernel(const kernel &, size_t, size_t, size_t, 
                                const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_task(const kernel &, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_native_kernel(void(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_CALLBACK *user_func)(void *), 
                              void *, size_t, uint_, const cl_mem *, 
                              const void **, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_native_kernel(void(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_CALLBACK *user_func)(void), 
                              const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void flush();
  void finish();
  void enqueue_barrier();
  void enqueue_barrier(const wait_list &);
  event enqueue_marker();
  event enqueue_marker(const wait_list &);
  void enqueue_svm_memcpy(void *, const void *, size_t, 
                          const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_svm_memcpy_async(void *, const void *, size_t, 
                                 const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_svm_fill(void *, const void *, size_t, size_t, 
                         const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_svm_free(void *, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  void enqueue_svm_map(void *, size_t, cl_map_flags, 
                       const wait_list & = wait_list());
  event enqueue_svm_unmap(void *, const wait_list & = wait_list());
  bool operator==(const command_queue &) const;
  bool operator!=(const command_queue &) const;


Command queues provide the interface for interacting with compute devices. The command_queue class provides methods to copy data to and from a compute device as well as execute compute kernels.

Command queues are created for a compute device within a compute context.

For example, to create a context and command queue for the default device on the system (this is the normal set up code used by almost all OpenCL programs):

#include <boost/compute/core.hpp>

// get the default compute device
boost::compute::device device = boost::compute::system::default_device();

// set up a compute context and command queue
boost::compute::context context(device);
boost::compute::command_queue queue(context, device);

The default command queue for the system can be obtained with the system::default_queue() method.

See Also:

buffer, context, kernel

command_queue public construct/copy/destruct

  1. command_queue();
    Creates a null command queue.
  2. explicit command_queue(cl_command_queue queue, bool retain = true);
  3. command_queue(const context & context, const device & device, 
                  cl_command_queue_properties properties = 0);

    Creates a command queue in context for device with properties.

    See the documentation for clCreateCommandQueue() for more information.

  4. command_queue(const command_queue & other);
    Creates a new command queue object as a copy of other.
  5. command_queue(command_queue && other) noexcept;
    Move-constructs a new command queue object from other.
  6. command_queue & operator=(const command_queue & other);
    Copies the command queue object from other to *this.
  7. command_queue & operator=(command_queue && other) noexcept;
    Move-assigns the command queue from other to *this.
  8. ~command_queue();

    Destroys the command queue.

    See the documentation for clReleaseCommandQueue() for more information.

command_queue public member functions

  1. cl_command_queue & get() const;
    Returns the underlying OpenCL command queue.
  2. device get_device() const;
    Returns the device that the command queue issues commands to.
  3. context get_context() const;
    Returns the context for the command queue.
  4. template<typename T> T get_info(cl_command_queue_info info) const;

    Returns information about the command queue.

    See the documentation for clGetCommandQueueInfo() for more information.

  5. template<int Enum> unspecified get_info() const;

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

  6. cl_command_queue_properties get_properties() const;
    Returns the properties for the command queue.
  7. void enqueue_read_buffer(const buffer & buffer, size_t offset, size_t size, 
                             void * host_ptr, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to read data from buffer to host memory.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueReadBuffer() for more information.

    See Also:


  8. event enqueue_read_buffer_async(const buffer & buffer, size_t offset, 
                                    size_t size, void * host_ptr, 
                                    const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to read data from buffer to host memory. The copy will be performed asynchronously.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueReadBuffer() for more information.

    See Also:


  9. void enqueue_read_buffer_rect(const buffer & buffer, 
                                  const size_t buffer_origin, 
                                  const size_t host_origin, const size_t region, 
                                  size_t buffer_row_pitch, 
                                  size_t buffer_slice_pitch, 
                                  size_t host_row_pitch, size_t host_slice_pitch, 
                                  void * host_ptr, 
                                  const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to read a rectangular region from buffer to host memory.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueReadBufferRect() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.1 or later.

  10. void enqueue_write_buffer(const buffer & buffer, size_t offset, size_t size, 
                              const void * host_ptr, 
                              const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to write data from host memory to buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueWriteBuffer() for more information.

    See Also:


  11. event enqueue_write_buffer_async(const buffer & buffer, size_t offset, 
                                     size_t size, const void * host_ptr, 
                                     const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to write data from host memory to buffer. The copy is performed asynchronously.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueWriteBuffer() for more information.

    See Also:


  12. void enqueue_write_buffer_rect(const buffer & buffer, 
                                   const size_t buffer_origin, 
                                   const size_t host_origin, const size_t region, 
                                   size_t buffer_row_pitch, 
                                   size_t buffer_slice_pitch, 
                                   size_t host_row_pitch, 
                                   size_t host_slice_pitch, void * host_ptr, 
                                   const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to write a rectangular region from host memory to buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueWriteBufferRect() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.1 or later.

  13. event enqueue_copy_buffer(const buffer & src_buffer, 
                              const buffer & dst_buffer, size_t src_offset, 
                              size_t dst_offset, size_t size, 
                              const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_buffer to dst_buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyBuffer() for more information.

    See Also:


  14. event enqueue_copy_buffer_rect(const buffer & src_buffer, 
                                   const buffer & dst_buffer, 
                                   const size_t src_origin, 
                                   const size_t dst_origin, const size_t region, 
                                   size_t buffer_row_pitch, 
                                   size_t buffer_slice_pitch, 
                                   size_t host_row_pitch, 
                                   size_t host_slice_pitch, 
                                   const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy a rectangular region from src_buffer to dst_buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyBufferRect() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.1 or later.

  15. event enqueue_fill_buffer(const buffer & buffer, const void * pattern, 
                              size_t pattern_size, size_t offset, size_t size, 
                              const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to fill buffer with pattern.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueFillBuffer() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

    See Also:


  16. void * enqueue_map_buffer(const buffer & buffer, cl_map_flags flags, 
                              size_t offset, size_t size, 
                              const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to map buffer into the host address space.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueMapBuffer() for more information.

  17. event enqueue_unmap_buffer(const buffer & buffer, void * mapped_ptr, 
                               const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to unmap buffer from the host memory space.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueUnmapMemObject() for more information.

  18. event enqueue_unmap_mem_object(cl_mem mem, void * mapped_ptr, 
                                   const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to unmap mem from the host memory space.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueUnmapMemObject() for more information.

  19. void enqueue_read_image(const image2d & image, const size_t origin, 
                            const size_t region, size_t row_pitch, 
                            void * host_ptr, 
                            const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to read data from image to host memory.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueReadImage() for more information.

  20. void enqueue_read_image(const image3d & image, const size_t origin, 
                            const size_t region, size_t row_pitch, 
                            size_t slice_pitch, void * host_ptr, 
                            const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to read data from image to host memory.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueReadImage() for more information.

  21. void enqueue_write_image(const image2d & image, const size_t origin, 
                             const size_t region, size_t input_row_pitch, 
                             const void * host_ptr, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to write data from host memory to image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueWriteImage() for more information.

  22. void enqueue_write_image(const image3d & image, const size_t origin, 
                             const size_t region, size_t input_row_pitch, 
                             size_t input_slice_pitch, const void * host_ptr, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to write data from host memory to image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueWriteImage() for more information.

  23. event enqueue_copy_image(const image2d & src_image, const image2d & dst_image, 
                             const size_t src_origin, const size_t dst_origin, 
                             const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImage() for more information.

  24. event enqueue_copy_image(const image2d & src_image, const image3d & dst_image, 
                             const size_t src_origin, const size_t dst_origin, 
                             const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImage() for more information.

  25. event enqueue_copy_image(const image3d & src_image, const image2d & dst_image, 
                             const size_t src_origin, const size_t dst_origin, 
                             const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImage() for more information.

  26. event enqueue_copy_image(const image3d & src_image, const image3d & dst_image, 
                             const size_t src_origin, const size_t dst_origin, 
                             const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImage() for more information.

  27. event enqueue_copy_image_to_buffer(const image2d & src_image, 
                                       const buffer & dst_buffer, 
                                       const size_t src_origin, 
                                       const size_t region, size_t dst_offset, 
                                       const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer() for more information.

  28. event enqueue_copy_image_to_buffer(const image3d & src_image, 
                                       const buffer & dst_buffer, 
                                       const size_t src_origin, 
                                       const size_t region, size_t dst_offset, 
                                       const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_image to dst_buffer.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer() for more information.

  29. event enqueue_copy_buffer_to_image(const buffer & src_buffer, 
                                       const image2d & dst_image, 
                                       size_t src_offset, 
                                       const size_t dst_origin, 
                                       const size_t region, 
                                       const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_buffer to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage() for more information.

  30. event enqueue_copy_buffer_to_image(const buffer & src_buffer, 
                                       const image3d & dst_image, 
                                       size_t src_offset, 
                                       const size_t dst_origin, 
                                       const size_t region, 
                                       const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy data from src_buffer to dst_image.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage() for more information.

  31. event enqueue_fill_image(const image2d & image, const void * fill_color, 
                             const size_t origin, const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to fill image with fill_color.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueFillImage() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  32. event enqueue_fill_image(const image3d & image, const void * fill_color, 
                             const size_t origin, const size_t region, 
                             const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to fill image with fill_color.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueFillImage() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  33. event enqueue_migrate_memory_objects(uint_ num_mem_objects, 
                                         const cl_mem * mem_objects, 
                                         cl_mem_migration_flags flags, 
                                         const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to migrate mem_objects.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects() for more information.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  34. event enqueue_nd_range_kernel(const kernel & kernel, size_t work_dim, 
                                  const size_t * global_work_offset, 
                                  const size_t * global_work_size, 
                                  const size_t * local_work_size, 
                                  const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a kernel for execution.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() for more information.

  35. template<size_t N> 
      event enqueue_nd_range_kernel(const kernel & kernel, 
                                    const extents< N > & global_work_offset, 
                                    const extents< N > & global_work_size, 
                                    const extents< N > & local_work_size, 
                                    const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

  36. event enqueue_1d_range_kernel(const kernel & kernel, 
                                  size_t global_work_offset, 
                                  size_t global_work_size, 
                                  size_t local_work_size, 
                                  const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Convenience method which calls enqueue_nd_range_kernel() with a one-dimensional range.

  37. event enqueue_task(const kernel & kernel, 
                       const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a kernel to execute using a single work-item.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueTask() for more information.

  38. event enqueue_native_kernel(void(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_CALLBACK *user_func)(void *), 
                                void * args, size_t cb_args, 
                                uint_ num_mem_objects, const cl_mem * mem_list, 
                                const void ** args_mem_loc, 
                                const wait_list & events = wait_list());
    Enqueues a function to execute on the host.
  39. event enqueue_native_kernel(void(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_CALLBACK *user_func)(void), 
                                const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Convenience overload for enqueue_native_kernel() which enqueues a native kernel on the host with a nullary function.

  40. void flush();

    Flushes the command queue.

    See the documentation for clFlush() for more information.

  41. void finish();

    Blocks until all outstanding commands in the queue have finished.

    See the documentation for clFinish() for more information.

  42. void enqueue_barrier();
    Enqueues a barrier in the queue.
  43. void enqueue_barrier(const wait_list & events);

    Enqueues a barrier in the queue after events.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  44. event enqueue_marker();

    Enqueues a marker in the queue and returns an event that can be used to track its progress.

  45. event enqueue_marker(const wait_list & events);

    Enqueues a marker after events in the queue and returns an event that can be used to track its progress.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 1.2 or later.

  46. void enqueue_svm_memcpy(void * dst_ptr, const void * src_ptr, size_t size, 
                            const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy size bytes of data from src_ptr to dst_ptr.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMMemcpy() for more information.

  47. event enqueue_svm_memcpy_async(void * dst_ptr, const void * src_ptr, 
                                   size_t size, 
                                   const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to copy size bytes of data from src_ptr to dst_ptr. The operation is performed asynchronously.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMMemcpy() for more information.

  48. event enqueue_svm_fill(void * svm_ptr, const void * pattern, 
                           size_t pattern_size, size_t size, 
                           const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to fill size bytes of data at svm_ptr with pattern.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMMemFill() for more information.

  49. event enqueue_svm_free(void * svm_ptr, const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to free svm_ptr.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMFree() for more information.

    See Also:


  50. void enqueue_svm_map(void * svm_ptr, size_t size, cl_map_flags flags, 
                         const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to map svm_ptr to the host memory space.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMMap() for more information.

  51. event enqueue_svm_unmap(void * svm_ptr, 
                            const wait_list & events = wait_list());

    Enqueues a command to unmap svm_ptr from the host memory space.

    [Warning] Warning

    This method is only available if the OpenCL version is 2.0 or later.

    See the documentation for clEnqueueSVMUnmap() for more information.

  52. bool operator==(const command_queue & other) const;
    Returns true if the command queue is the same at other.
  53. bool operator!=(const command_queue & other) const;
    Returns true if the command queue is different from other.
