
Class template normal_distribution

boost::compute::normal_distribution — Produces random, normally-distributed floating-point numbers.


// In header: <boost/compute/random/normal_distribution.hpp>

template<typename RealType = float> 
class normal_distribution {
  // types
  typedef RealType result_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  normal_distribution(RealType = 0.f, RealType = 1.f);

  // public member functions
  result_type mean() const;
  result_type stddev() const;
  result_type min() const;
  result_type max() const;
  template<typename OutputIterator, typename Generator> 
    void generate(OutputIterator, OutputIterator, Generator &, 
                  command_queue &);


The following example shows how to setup a normal distribution to produce random float values centered at 5:

// initialize the default random engine
boost::compute::default_random_engine engine(queue);

// setup the normal distribution to produce floats centered at 5
boost::compute::normal_distribution<float> distribution(5.0f, 1.0f);

// generate the random values and store them to 'vec'
distribution.generate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), engine, queue);

See Also:

default_random_engine, uniform_real_distribution

normal_distribution public construct/copy/destruct

  1. normal_distribution(RealType mean = 0.f, RealType stddev = 1.f);

    Creates a new normal distribution producing numbers with the given mean and stddev.

  2. ~normal_distribution();
    Destroys the normal distribution object.

normal_distribution public member functions

  1. result_type mean() const;
    Returns the mean value of the distribution.
  2. result_type stddev() const;
    Returns the standard-deviation of the distribution.
  3. result_type min() const;
    Returns the minimum value of the distribution.
  4. result_type max() const;
    Returns the maximum value of the distribution.
  5. template<typename OutputIterator, typename Generator> 
      void generate(OutputIterator first, OutputIterator last, 
                    Generator & generator, command_queue & queue);

    Generates normally-distributed floating-point numbers and stores them to the range [first, last).
